H16 堂ヶ島(どうがしま)
Dogashima Valley
芦ノ湖から流れ出る早川がつくる、急峻な渓谷の一部に位置します。その谷底には、約400万年前の海底火山活動によって堆積した早川凝灰角礫岩が現れています。これは箱根火山の基盤を作っている地層の一つです。この地層から温泉がわきだしていて、箱根の古い温泉、 箱根七湯 の一つとなっています。
Near Miyanoshita, at the bottom of a steep valley formed by the Hayakawa River, you can find rocks that were formed on the sea floor about 4 million years ago, long before the Hakone volcanoes appeared.
One of the “Hakone-nanayu” (the seven hot springs) flows from cracks in the rock.
A high priest name Muso-kokushi is said to have secluded himself near here (at Sankyo-san) during the Muromachi period (13th century), which indicates the long history of this area.
One of the “Hakone-nanayu” (the seven hot springs) flows from cracks in the rock.
A high priest name Muso-kokushi is said to have secluded himself near here (at Sankyo-san) during the Muromachi period (13th century), which indicates the long history of this area.