Mi1 足柄峠と足柄道(矢倉沢往還)
Ashigara mountain pass & Ashigara road
金時山の北側に位置する足柄峠は、箱根峠よりも古くから交通の要衝でした。そこを通る足柄道は、奈良・平安の時代より官道として利用され、古事記や万葉集にも足柄という地名が残されています。古事記では、倭建命 が東征の際にこの地で、亡き妻、弟橘比売命を思い「吾妻 はや」という言葉を発したという記述があります。これが「あずま」の語源のひとつと言われ、正に関東の入り口として古代から重要な役割を果たしてきました。800~802(延暦 19~ 21)年の富士山の延暦噴火の際には、足柄道が通行不能となり、迂回路として箱根道が整備され、1年ほど使用されました。
現在、市内の随所に残るいにしえの道を足柄古道として保存、紹介しているため、多くの人が訪れます。足柄明神からは、箱根の大涌谷をはじめ矢倉岳や足柄平野、相模湾を望むことができます。また、足柄峠付近からは、富士山や愛鷹 山を臨むことができ、金時山への最短ルート登山口としても知られています。
The Ashigara mountain pass, which is located on the northern side of Mt. Kintokiyama, was a strategic transportation route since ancient times. The Ashigara mountain pass is even older than the Hakone pass. Routes via the Ashigara mountain pass were used for governmental transport from the Nara period (710 AD〜794 AD) and Heian period (794 AD〜1185 AD).
The place name ""Ashigara"" is recorded in Japan's earliest historical chronical, the “Kojiki” (Record of Ancient Matters, completed in 712 A.D) and Japan's oldest collection of poetry, the “Manyoshu”(Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, completed after 806 AD). According to the Kojiki, Takeru Yamato lost his wife Lady Oto Tachibana when he went to the eastern land to defeat many enemies. When Takeru Yamato thought of his dead wife Lady Oto Tachibana, he said ""agatsuma ha ya”, which means “unhappy my wife”, so he called this eastern part of the country “Azuma”. This area played an important role as a gateway to the Kanto area from ancient times.
The place name ""Ashigara"" is recorded in Japan's earliest historical chronical, the “Kojiki” (Record of Ancient Matters, completed in 712 A.D) and Japan's oldest collection of poetry, the “Manyoshu”(Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, completed after 806 AD). According to the Kojiki, Takeru Yamato lost his wife Lady Oto Tachibana when he went to the eastern land to defeat many enemies. When Takeru Yamato thought of his dead wife Lady Oto Tachibana, he said ""agatsuma ha ya”, which means “unhappy my wife”, so he called this eastern part of the country “Azuma”. This area played an important role as a gateway to the Kanto area from ancient times.